Bienvenidos! Welcome to Muy Chingon Creations, our online mason jar where we bring the fizz, pop, gurgle, dirt and garlic that is our world to the Internet!
Please make yourself at home, explore, visit, ask questions. You’re likely to come away a healthier person for stopping in!
The tools of our trade are locally grown and wild crafted plants from our native northern New Mexico that we use to create food that is not only delicious but nutritious and healthy. Packed inside each of our mason jars are galaxies of homemade magic guaranteed to make you say,
Here at the chingonery we hold to these standards – keep it local, keep it medicinal and keep it delicious. You are what you eat, que no?
Roxanne Louise Sanchez was born on the salt and the earth that is New Mexico.
Her heart beat is that of her ancestors who were farmers, ranchers and curanderas during New Mexicos wildest years. Fate and destiny brought her to the village of Vadito where, with the permission of the local elders, she learned to grow garlic with the intention to save la semilla and keep it going.
Her mother’s family taught her the ways of preserving food when she was old enough to ride a bike on her own, these ways were meant to honor all the abundance our tree and plant relatives offer us and share the medicines and stories of these sacred foods.
From the time Joe Kierst first went to a farmers market he knew this was a scene he wanted to be a part of. “It was alive! Everyone was having fun. You could tell the vendors loved doing what they loved, doing something that mattered and making money at it. He learned the art of dryland farming and food preservation living as an off-grid desert dweller on Taos’s West Mesa.
Starting literally from the dirt up Joe created his business centered around pretty much anything he could fit into a mason jar that to this day takes him to farmers markets across Northern New Mexico.
These two land stewards met one day over a bag of garlic scapes and without either realizing it the seed of their future endeavors together was planted. Today they work hand in hand to to nurture garlic and bring healthy delicious food to the Gente.